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What Motivates Those Who Give?

Have you ever wondered what drives people to make a gift – even a really big gift? In this short episode, Cass and Niermann discuss reasons why people give, and the emotional connections with, and benefits to, those who give.

Episode Highlights:

  • Exploring the connection between emotions and decisions to donate to charity
  • Discussing personal updates and the hosts’ experiences with philanthropy
  • Delving into new research suggesting pre-giving emotions influence charitable actions
  • Analyzing the shift in motivations for giving, highlighting the role of emotion over the past decade
  • Reflecting on the impact of societal changes on philanthropic behaviors
  • Examining academic debates around the ‘warm glow’ theory versus preheating effects in giving
  • Concluding thoughts on the reciprocal benefits of giving and its implications on personal legacy

Key Quotes:

  • “As a fundraiser, I want people to feel good about supporting our organization. I want them to have a warm glow if you will, but I really want the person that is inherently generous. That fundamentally believes in our mission and, and knows and trusts that we’re going to make an impact.” – Scott Niermann
  • “Anything we can do on this podcast to inspire more people, any donors, any board members listening out there, this is good for them. So you’re right. There is a reciprocity. There is a benefit to all of this, whether you need to decrease cortisol, whether you need to feel better about your place on the planet.” – Scott Niermann

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