Small business highlight: Parker Timmons & Southern IL Ag Solutions, Inc
I have known Parker Timmons since high school, actually maybe even before then. We played on the same sports teams, had mutual friends and attended the same group gatherings so it only made sense that we would eventually connect with our businesses down the road.
Parker teamed up with friend/business partner T.J. Phoenix, and lab manager Bob Franklin to offer a very unique service to the Centralia and surrounding areas – they test for minerals and nutrients in dirt for farmers and others who need it.
Once Parker and his team began their venture and opened Southern IL Ag Solutions, Inc, we worked together on a business insurance plan that covers all of his needs. Having a unique business requires special coverages, and I was happy we could provide Parker with necessary protection for his business.
I’m excited to share the success story of a long time friend and now client, Parker Timmons of Southern IL Ag Solutions, Inc.
Meet Parker Timmons
Parker graduated from Murray State University with a degree in crop science and after graduating he immediately went to work for an agriculture retailer company. He stayed with them for a year and half, but always had a thought in the back of his mind that his idea of offering crop science services could truly take off.
After a year and half, he followed his dream and started Southern IL Ag Solutions, Inc. He knew there were no other companies like his in the area and took advantage of the opportunity. “I saw a market and decided that it might be worth trying to get my company off the ground,” Parker recalled.
What does Southern IL Ag Solutions, Inc do?
Southern IL Ag Solutions, Inc is a third party company that helps farmers manage their operations and also has a soil testing lab that they run all their soil tests through.
“We take the soil, run it through the lab and make fertility recommendations based on what the nutrient readings are,” Parker shared. “Farmers come to us and we look at their inputs, and see where various inputs may need to be increased to gain productivity to help our clients with their overall operations.”
That’s one of the unique offerings of Southern Ag IL Solutions, their goal is to help their clients succeed. They create implementable recommendations based on science and data collected from the soil.
Their total line of services includes:
- Soil Analysis
- Plant Tissue Analysis
- Non-Potable Water Analysis
- Fertilizer Analysis
- Soil Sampling
- Grid Mapping
- Plant Tissue Sampling
- Field Scouting
- Computer Mapping
- Yield Information Analysis
- Fertility Prescriptions
Always learning
Parker and his team are always continuing their education to stay up to date on best practices. “When I find something I think is valuable, I feed it back to my customers as it may be something they want to incorporate into their operations. Similarly, if I come across something that is a total hoax, I inform them of that as well,” Parker shared.
Why Centralia?
Southern IL Ag Solutions is based in Centralia because there are no other companies here that offers similar services. Plus Parker has lived in Centralia his whole life and couldn’t imagine starting his business anywhere else. “I love the small town community. Centralia is a city that has a lot to offer but it’s simple, and I like that.”
Parker stays up to date with the local community and is a member of the Marion and Clinton County Farm Bureaus. He also works to share his education and experience with up-and-coming young professionals interested in his field. Southern IL Ag Solutions, Inc offers two internships to students attending the KasKasKia college and Southern Illinois University during the spring and fall semesters.
A growing local business
As Parker’s friend and colleague, it’s been great to witness his business bloom over these past two years. It’s impressive when young entrepreneurs recognize a need and strategically develop a business to address it. Plus, Parker’s business helps other businesses here in the Centralia area succeed, which helps keep our entire Centralia community thriving.
Congratulations to Parker Timmons and Southern IL Ag Solutions, Inc on a successful beginning and long future ahead!