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Nonprofit Employee Burnout – Part II

If you are a nonprofit employee, board member, or volunteer feeling worn down or even a sense of burnout, listen to Part II of this series of the NP Local podcast hosted by Jason Cass and Scott Niermann, for a discussion on the current nonprofit environment and some ways to address your burnout, and the challenges it creates for your organization.

Episode Highlights:

  • Scott believes that there are effective techniques for dealing with burnout. (2:50)
  • Jason discusses some of the signs of burnout and encourages individuals who are experiencing them to listen to this episode. (3:48)
  • Scott discusses some of the burnout he experienced in the past, as well as how he manages his stress level. (4:53)
  • Jason explains that having clear expectations and defining roles will help prevent burnout. (8:57)
  • Jason discusses the significance of connecting with your employees, a lesson learned during COVID. (12:53)
  • Scott believes that many individuals fail to focus on their own personal growth, professional development, and skill set because they are so concerned about others or stuck in their heads with decision-making. (14:26)
  • Jason believes that everyone needs a coach, and he is looking forward to getting one soon. (16:58)
  • Scott mentions several resources for listeners to look into that provide guidance on goal setting and resolutions. (18:13)

Key Quotes:

  • “Let’s be sure that in a stressed or hurried environment, or just something where everyone is overloaded, that we’re communicating clearly, and that one-on-one time as a leader with your team is so important.” – Scott Niermann
  • “When people were stuck at home all the time, we realized that to a lot of people, their safe haven is the job.” – Jason Cass
  • “Everybody needs a coach. And what’s amazing is, the only people that I do not hear say that, are unsuccessful people.” – Jason Cass

Resources Mentioned:
